MariaMasoud - XPikTech

MariaMasoud Online Store

MariaMasoud - Online Store for a Fashion Brand from Monaco

Domain Area: Fashion

Challenge: Our client is a brain new fashion brand from Monaco. All their products are fabricated in Monaco and they needed a concise and stylish shop. The purchase flow should be as short as possible, to make the process easier for users. To resolve that our team has built a few solutions: A product preview modal on the shop page with the ability to add a product to the cart without visiting the Single product page. One more solution is the Mini Cart feature which includes a wishlist feature too. One more challenge here was integration with a specific Payment provider from Monaco and we successfully integrated our shop with the payment provider.


Technologies: PHP, WordPress, WooCommerce, JavaScript, Advanced Custom Fields, MySQL, Sage, Klaviyo, Webpack, Sass, HTML, CSS