eCommerce Development - XPikTech

eCommerce Development Services

Propel your product conversion rates with bespoke Ecommerce development solutions built to capture your future consumers. Custom stores built from scratch, existing functions elevated, business processes automated or innovative services, you can count on us. 

Surpass sales records with scalable services

As certified WooCommerce experts with over a decade of experience and a strong track record across many domains, we develop stores that are not only amazing but engaging.
We work with you to establish an intuitive interface and identify that resonates with your customers and keep them coming back to add to their baskets. 

With a dedicated development and design team at your disposal, we help you stand out amongst a saturated marketplace. Whether you’re looking to build a store on WooCommerce or Shopify, design and develop bespoke themes for your Ecommerce business, build custom plugins, integrate payment and 3d party API integrations, our work creates an impact.

Our Services

Simplify your store development, with our services that smoothen the shopping experience for your present and future customers. Our specialists at XPikTech build solutions around your B2B or B2C business model that are responsive, secure and meet all of your requirements.


Receive unparalleled expertise and guidance from our consultants to optimize your online business development, technology, operations, and elevate both customer experience and profitability.

See our approach


Elite e-commerce software development services that cover UI UX and design, webstore, themes and plugins development, custom Ecommerce, payment gateways integration and API integration.

See our approach

Support and maintenance

Level up your technical support and ongoing maintenance with us. Ensure flawless functionality, implementation and troubleshooting of your store’s technology, plugins, and website updates.

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Conversion optimization

Elevate your conversion rates and raise your revenue, with a custom website audit, optimization plan, A/B testing and optimization data analysis for your store. Unlock new growth  online.

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Business process automation

Achieve exponential growth by harnessing the power of digital marketing automation, leveraging business process analysis, and integrating CRM systems to scale operations and drive success.

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Store management solutions

Equip your store with rich management features like accounts, profiles, fulfillment centers, email templates and more. All built to help optimize your supply, maintenance and inventory.

Let's discuss


Cardisan SaaS application


Our client decided to start an innovative business, however, before a full-fledged launch, he would like to check whether this idea will generate income. In case of a successful test launch, a sterling project must be developed. Our task was to develop an eCommerce service with unique functionality. The customer also wanted to be able to manage all content and products from a single Dashboard, as well as be able to import the product database in a few clicks to avoid the lengthy process of manually adding products.

Custom WooCommerce theme by XPikTech


– Build a flexible and easy-to-manage template with drag-and-drop functionality for each block on any page to speed up and simplify the process of content management.
– Each block must have custom design and structure settings to build new pages using pre-built blocks.
– Custom purchase flow on mobile devices to increase conversion and to make simpler the process of choice of a guitar.
– Fast and simple checkout form with the possibility to pay by Credit Card, Affirm, and PayPal. Build custom filter functionality for the shop page with the ability to change the filter by site management stuff without any coding.
– High page speed score 90+.

eLearning platform development

CivilPE Practice

The task was to redesign the existing eCommerce site, integrate the developed design with WordPress and WooCommerce, integrate WooCommerce with moodle, and synchronize products with the customer’s Amazon products.

eLearning, eCommerce
BPM Medical - medical site with booking system

BPM Medical

The task was to design, draw, and develop a website for a private medical clinic. The site must be in two languages, and the site must be able to make an appointment. All content should be managed from the admin panel.

MariaMasoud Online Store


Our client is a brain new fashion brand from Monaco. All their products are fabricated in Monaco and they needed a concise and stylish shop. The purchase flow should be as short as possible, to make the process easier for users. To resolve that our team has built a few solutions: A product preview modal on the shop page with the ability to add a product to the cart without visiting the Single product page. One more solution is the Mini Cart feature which includes a wishlist feature too. One more challenge here was integration with a specific Payment provider from Monaco and we successfully integrated our shop with the payment provider.

Mobile application for a Football club


This time the task was to fully develop a mobile application and a personal account on the website for fans of the football team. The personal account must contain the contact details of all club members, as well as a chat between the members. The mobile application should provide users with the opportunity to confirm participation in the event, reserve a seat in the stadium, as well as create their own events and invite other club members.

Custom elearning platform for the base school

Baseline Learning

Our client had an idea to develop a SaaS service for students with which they can improve their numeracy, reading, and writing skills. It was necessary to develop a system that allows students to create courses, process responses, analyze the text, and show users their errors. The service must have a Student’s dashboard, as well as a Teacher’s dashboard, which must have access to the results of its students, create new tasks and tests for students, and the Service Administrator’s dashboard to control payments and content.


Mediocre is not in our dictionary

At XPikTech, we are not just Ecommerce marketplace developers; we are driven by a larger purpose. Your success in the e-commerce realm is our ultimate achievement, which is why we go above and beyond to deeply understand and bring your vision to life.

If you have specific requirements that align with your business goals and challenges, our team is ready to assist and collaborate seamlessly with our other departments. Together, we will create extraordinary solutions that propel your business forward and ensure your triumph in the dynamic world of e-commerce.

Engage with our experts

Why work with us

At XPikTech, we go above and beyond to fulfill your needs and exceed your expectations. Our goal is not simply to complete the job, but to ensure that you achieve long-term success and tangible results.

Complimentary project analysis and evaluation

Get ahead of the game with our complimentary requirement analysis, evaluation, estimation and consultation before starting your project. Gain valuable insights into the perfect technology stack and get acquainted with your assigned project manager and  talented team who will bring your concept to life in your project.

10 years of experience

With over a decade of experience in different domains, our technical talent and compliance is unmatched. We’ve worked in Ecommerce, eLearning, Real Estate, Beauty, Sports, Fashion, Food services, HealthCare, FinTech, Crypto, Automation. All projects, we draw on our experience, creativity and align it with your vision to create an impact.

Flexible services

We are committed to providing you with customized solutions that align with your unique business requirements. Right from the initial consultation, we place your goals, budget, and vision at the forefront, ensuring every decision is in line with your specific needs. Our flexible options guarantee the best outcome for your online business.

Ahead of trends

When building or optimizing your store, our team goes beyond the surface level. You’ll be working with experts that are aware and ahead. They always stay on top of the latest tech, trends, systems, methods, languages and ensure the ones applied to your store and Ecommerce goals leave you standing strong in front of tomorrow’s competition.

Transparent development

Our commitment to keeping you in the know means you’ll receive regular updates every 2-3 days, ensuring you’re always up-to-date on the progress of your project. Through our weekly demos, you’ll witness the tangible results achieved in each sprint and actively collaborate with us to shape plans for the upcoming phases. 

Reliable partner to scale

Experience the transformative power of having a true partner rather than just a contractor. When you work with us, you gain the expertise of a dedicated Ecommerce development company that is fully committed to your success. We understand the significance of your goals, and that’s why we are available to support you around the clock.

Our tech stack

Our team of e-commerce developers, spanning from mid-level to senior professionals, are equipped with extensive expertise in future-ready technology. With their in-depth knowledge and skills, we ensure that your store is built using the latest advancements, enabling you to stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional experiences to your customers.

What our clients value

sohomedia xpiktech review
PH 62 xpiktech review
nitro logo xpiktech
exceptional logo xpiktech review
Axel G.

of Soho Media Ltd

XPikTech adeptly handled the increasing scope of the project, swiftly devising solutions for new features.

reaction xpiktech review
Alie S.
Reaction Marketing

We enjoyed working with XPik! They were responsive, easy to communicate with and did high-quality work. XPik is very knowledgeable about WordPress & WooCommerce team.

Michael S.

XPikTech team was amazing! I will definitely be working with them again. They were quick, easy to communicate with and did excellent work. I usually use web developers that are slightly less expensive but XPik was worth the extra money.

Kelcey P.
Nitro Interactive

XPik team assisted with adding additional functionality to our highly customized WordPress platform. They did a great job of ensuring they understood the functionality before beginning their build process. They were able to execute and complete the functionality with very little instruction. We look forward to working with them in the future!

Chloe B.
CAL Group

XPik team was very efficient and had great communication skills. They understood what we needed and made solutions for that without needing extra guidance. They produced a great result for us in a short timeframe and were very professional throughout. I would happily recommend XPik team to anybody.

Delycia Du P.
Exceptional Web

XPikTech team did excellent work for us. Highly recommended WordPress development team!

Custom Ecommerce Development

In a crowded and competitive marketplace, it’s crucial to stand out and make a lasting impression. That’s where our exceptional Ecommerce development services come in. We specialize in creating custom-built platforms that perfectly complement your company and image, giving your customers a compelling reason to remember you.

Dominate search, outshine competition

When your customers are searching for your products, we ensure that you stay at the top. Our team crafts SEO centric strategies, allowing your business to stand out in seconds. Be the preferred option, leaving your competition in the dust and capturing the attention of eager buyers.

Full ownership

Throughout the custom Ecommerce development process, retain full ownership of your store. You decide how you’d like it to look, feel, and customize on the front end and back end, while we listen and collaborate with you. Stay in control of your store.

Greater satisfaction

Elevate customer satisfaction from every consistent, with seamless payment integrations for any country and payment options.With our expertise, you can ensure a frictionless payment experience for your customers, eliminating barriers and maximizing convenience.

Optimized for devices

Give your customers a flawless shopping experience with an intuitive, user-friendly, and mobile-responsive store that effortlessly adapts to any device. Our optimized designs ensure efficiency and functionality, allowing customers to shop, and complete transactions with ease.

Data driven insights

With our expertise, you’ll gain constant visibility into how your store performs and how customers interact. Armed with valuable data-driven insights, you can make informed decisions, optimize strategies, and deliver a highly personalized shopping experience that drives conversions.

What kind of help do you need?

Design, development, support or even technical consulting for any web solution – we offer to you our full expertise.

Let's discuss

Costs of eCommerce Development at XPikTech

At XPikTech, we believe in transparency and strive to provide cost-effective solutions. However, we understand that every business is unique, and therefore, our costs are tailored to suit your specific needs. 

Cost is determined based on, project criteria like platform setup, hosting, custom, custom ecommerce web development, website design, custom ecommerce app development, special features, software and plugins,marketing and level of e-commerce designers and developers.

Our pricing is designed to be practical and ensure that you receive the best value for your investment. We guarantee that our rates will surpass those of any in-house specialist, offering you a cost-effective solution that meets your requirements.

Industries we cater to

For over a decade, we have successfully crafted and developed e-commerce stores for clients across various domains, delivering exceptional results and driving their online success.









Oil and Gas


Logistics & Transportation

Information Technology

Related Services

WooCommerce development

Offering a development of modern WooCommerce services. We don’t build websites, we help your customers choose you, buy with you and get back to you again.

CMS Development

Your site can be not only a convenient way to talk about your company but also a powerful tool to get new customers. We build modern and effective websites for your business.

WordPress Development

We develop Web and Mobile applications for large and small businesses. Do you want to improve processes in your company? Let’s do it. Do you have an innovative idea? We will help you bring it to life.

Automation and API Integration

Your site can be not only a convenient way to talk about your company but also a powerful tool to get new customers. We build modern and effective websites for your business.

eCommerce Consulting

Receive expert guidance from our E-commerce consultants, who will empower you to make informed decisions and navigate the best practices tailored to your unique business processes, technology, and e-commerce channels. With a wealth of experience advising, our consultants possess knowledge and insights to craft sales-focused roadmaps that tap into unexplored opportunities.

Speak to us

Consulting Services

In Depth Analysis

Gain a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of your existing infrastructure, providing you with knowledge and strategies to optimize and rapidly grow them for e-commerce success. It goes beyond surface-level assessments, delving into the core aspects of your business, competitors, consumer trends and legal regulation to uncover areas and tools to thrive in e-commerce.

Platform selection

Harness the expertise of our certified WooCommerce specialists and Shopify experience as we guide you in selecting the perfect platform for your business. We understand the significance of choosing the right foundation for your online store. We collaborate closely with you to assess your long-term goals, scalability needs, integration requirements, and platform criteria.

Realistic roadmap

Receive a realistic outline of the work to be completed for your Ecommerce software that helps retain existing customers and generate new ones. This roadmap covers everything from your processes, recommendations for tech systems, automation tools, implementation, integration and more, providing you with an honest time frame and cost estimate.

Digital checkup

We’ll conduct a comprehensive analysis if you have an existing e-commerce application or storefront. This analysis will focus on eliminating limitations to your customer experience, interface, user satisfaction, elevating performance, and more to help strengthen your authority in your digital marketplace. Keep up to date with digital requirements and see your store thrive.

Yuri Grishechkin
Founder, Business Analyst

of XPikTech

Every problem is afraid of analysis. If you don’t want unwelcome surprises, a detailed analysis of the market, competitors and opportunities is the best way to go. It’s a long path, and I help our clients get there faster.

eCommerce Development

Build your brand with a stunning, custom-made store crafted by our exceptional team of Ecommerce developers. When users land on your website, they will be captivated by a friendly user interface (UI), an intuitive user experience (UX), and a stunning store design. We tailor your ecommerce store to deliver an unparalleled shopping experience, converting visitors into loyal customers.

Tell us your requirements

Development Services

UI/UX design

Leverage your growth, by prioritizing your customer’s journey with our UI/UX design services. With a strict focus on customer experience, our experts create a user-friendly design in line with your brand. They extend their focus to the intuitive structure, visibility, and responsive nature, regularly testing the usability to increase conversions and customer satisfaction.

Webstore development

Watch your store come to life with your back-end and front-end being built on your e-commerce website. Our e-commerce website developers work round the clock to create an innovative digital storefront covering product pages, shopping cart, order form, support pages, and more. They ensure your website runs smoothly and securely by maintaining the bank-end functionalities.

Themes and plugins development

Provide an exceptional user experience for your customers with custom themes and plugins built and installed to be compatible with your ecommerce store. Look distinctive amongst your competition with visually appealing features that stand out while catering to the needs and behaviors of your customers. Let your store have that attractive and engaging edge.

Custom Ecommerce development

Maximize your ROI with custom e-commerce development that caters to your users and customer experience. Differentiate your brand by letting us conduct thorough research on your target audience and then build bespoke advanced solutions around their needs that include more functions and flexibility and supercharge their satisfaction.

Payment gateway integration

Streamline your purchasing process by enabling your customers to make payments directly on your platform seamlessly and safely. Whether they’re using credit/debit cards, digital wallets, crypto, Paypal, or anything else, we integrate payment gateways that let them make transactions in real-time. Swift, easy and headache free payments made instantly.

API Integration

Experience the seamless exchange of data across applications, services, and platforms, unlocking streamlined processes and enhanced productivity for your store. We seamlessly integrate third-party services, automate workflows, and develop innovative solutions that provide your store’s digital infrastructure with a distinct competitive edge.

Alan Tandelov
Tech Lead
of XPikTech

Properly built architecture is a solid foundation to base any project on. The right architecture can save you up to 50% of your budget and time, and it’s a great opportunity to scale quickly. Let us help you start saving money today.

Support and Maintenance

To ensure long-term success, it is crucial to continuously evolve through innovation and technical maintenance. We provide you with the perfect support and maintenance team dedicated to optimizing your store for peak performance, enhanced security, efficient troubleshooting, and adapting to your customer needs. With our retainer model, enjoy the benefits of a fixed monthly plan for comprehensive support and maintenance.

Speak to our support specialists

Support and Maintenance Services

Technical support

Ensure your systems run smoothly and seamlessly and customers maintain a positive experience with our technical support team. Within our technical support, our experts look to investigate errors, bugs and resolve conflicts with your software. They also help implement security and data protection measures elevating customer trust for your store.

Plugins and technologies update

Guarantee optimum performance and security with our attentive development team. They act fast, regularly updating your plugins, extensions, and technologies. Whether it’s payment gateways, analytics, features, programming languages, frameworks, databases, or more, they intervene immediately to ensure your store runs at peak performance.

Ongoing maintenance

Raise customer engagement and increase store visibility with secure and responsive monitoring from our Ecommerce marketplace development team. We’ll review ongoing areas of improvement with security maintenance, storefront maintenance, and optimization. Reduce the risk of low conversion rates and cart abandonment of products.

Liza Ryzhko
Project Manager
of XPikTech

It is crucial to keep your website up-to-date to avoid performance and security issues. Any technical malfunction can critically affect sales and conversion. Our mission is to support our clients and to keep their projects up-to-date and functional.

Store Conversion Optimization

Maximize the potential satisfaction of your visitors and transform them into lifelong customers. Our team of experts goes the extra mile to ensure every aspect of your store is optimized for success. From thorough audits to strategic planning, targeted improvements, and thorough testing, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to enhance customer satisfaction. With us, increase revenue stream, and supercharge workflow efficiency.

Talk to us

Conversion Optimization Services

Webshop audit

Gain a detailed 360 degree evaluation of your Ecommerce store’s performance, user experience, and conversion potential. From the detailed data, see what needs to be prioritized and fixed for your website. These key insights are essential to elevate customer satisfaction, improve user experience, make data-driven design changes, reduce development costs, and lower customer acquisition.

Building plan of optimization

Based on your webshop audit, we build a conversion optimization plan for your business. With data-driven strategies, we build to improve your store’s agility, user experience, and overall conversion rate. This roadmap helps you with future goal setting, data analysis, conversion analysis, and user experience, maximizing the value of your website traffic. 

A/B Testing

Continuously improve your user’s shopping experience, click-through rates, and make smarter data driven decisions with A/B testing. In A/B testing, our experts compare two different versions of a webpage or element from your e-commerce website to see which is better for conversions. Gain valuable insights like seeing the impact on behavior and conversion rates. 

Optimization data analysis

Receive valuable insights regarding your sales, user behavior, engagement, marketing efforts, and more. Through extensive collecting and analyzing of various data points, you’ll be able to review areas of improvement and implement strategies to ensure peak performance and sustain your store’s reputation. Gain greater control over your inventory management, sales, and overall growth.

Yuri Grishechkin
Founder, Business Analyst

of XPikTech

If your website is getting you less customers than you expect, don’t rush to redesign it. 99% of websites and stores require conversion optimization right after development. Let’s help your website generate more customers.

eCommerce Business Processes Automation

Revolutionize the efficiency of your daily Ecommerce tasks with our powerful business process automation solutions. By leveraging our extensive arsenal of cutting-edge technology tools, software, and digital marketing services, we help streamline and automate your operations, freeing you from time-consuming administrative tasks. Embrace the power of automation and witness the remarkable transformation it brings to your e-commerce business.

Tell us about your business

Business processes automation Services

Digital marketing automation

Automate and streamline your store’s marketing tasks with top tier tools and software. Leverage technology to elevate existing customer engagement and drive more traffic to your store. With a strong focus on automated email campaigns, chatbots, messaging apps, conversational marketing using live chats, social media automation tools, advertising campaigns, performance tracking, and more.

Business processes analyzing

Enhance your efficiency online with a comprehensive analysis of your processes conducted by us. With a deep analysis looking into the analytics of your existing processes, sales, customer support, inventory management, back end systems,  and more. From the data gathered from each, we help provide customized solutions for you to optimize your operations.

Integration with CRMs

Raise your customer satisfaction with our smooth integration services of CRM systems to your new store. Streamline your operations, orders, marketing, and HR errands and have greater control of your communication, support, and customer relationships. Give your customers a personalized experience, better understand their needs, gain more valuable insights, and watch your business grow with our CRM integration services.

Yuri Grishechkin
Founder, Business Analyst
of XPikTech

The less time you spend on routine job, the more time you have to grow your business. Any manual process should be automated if you want to build a scalable and efficient business.

Order a free consultation

Fill out the form below to get a free consultation and find out how we can help you and your business.

What happens next?
  • Our expert contacts you shortly after having analyzed your business requirements;
  • If required, we sign an NDA to ensure the highest privacy level;
  • A Pre-Sales Manager submits a comprehensive project proposal. It may include estimates, timelines, lists of suggested technologies, etc., for a particular situation.
  • Now we can hit the ground running.
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