Baseline Learning - XPikTech

Baseline Learning

eLearning SaaS service and mobile application

Domain Area: eLearning

Challenge: Our client had an idea to develop a SaaS service for students with which they can improve their numeracy, reading, and writing skills. It was necessary to develop a system that allows students to create courses, process responses, analyze the text, and show users their errors. The service must have a Student’s dashboard, as well as a Teacher’s dashboard, which must have access to the results of its students, create new tasks and tests for students, and the Service Administrator’s dashboard to control payments and content.

eLearning development services eLearning platform IT Company eLearning platform with membership eLearning platform development company
build eLearning platform

Solutions: Using Strapi we built a fast and flexible HeadLess Back-end that greatly accelerated the development process since we used the Back-end for both – Web and Mobile versions and it helped us to create this service in just a couple of months. To implement the SaaS model, we used the Stripe payment system. We used the Amazon Comprehend OCR library for spelling analysis. We wrote our own text editor as well as our own algorithm that highlighted user errors. We also created our own quiz plugin to implement the student testing process.

eLearning development portfolio example

Technologies: Angular 6, Node.js, Strapi, Ionic 3, AWS, Amazon Comprehend, Stipe, MongoDB, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, jQuery

eLearning membership development eLearning membership development services
eLearning membership WooCommerce eLearning membership plugin woocommerce